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Your child’s time at nursery is important to us. We want them to thrive and go on to make their mark in the world just as we know you do, so rest assured that they’re in good hands at Little Angels. Our daily timetable helps personalities to flourish, knowledge to grow and friendships to form. We’ll look out for your child’s happiness and wellbeing at all times.
We know that every child is unique, so we work with children to develop their individual abilities at a speed they’re comfortable with. We do this in an environment which encourages imagination, special skills and blossoming interests. We provide everything your child needs to stay healthy and engaged, from mealtimes to sleep and rest breaks.
Your appointed key worker will be on hand to greet you in the morning, listening to anything which may have happened at home prior to the session. This helps us to get a full picture of how your child is feeling as they start their day, and what they may like to talk about. We’ll welcome them into the nursery environment and ensure that they’re comfortable and ready for the events ahead.
Play is crucial for aiding children’s emotional, physical and social development, giving endless opportunities to learn. Our high-quality resources, known as continuous provision, enhance play time and let imaginations be unlocked. Our team will fully supervise them as they enjoy fun and creativity both independently and as part of a group.
Mealtimes are an exciting part of the day, as children come together at the table to enjoy delicious food and continue to interact with each other. Our team will sit with them to lead discussions and ensure that everyone is satisfied. Dishes include seasonal soups and casseroles. Your child can also enjoy cereal and toast at breakfast, and healthy snacks.
We adhere to the Early Years Foundation Stage to ensure that each age group’s learning needs are met. Covering everything from shapes and colours, to language, communication and numeracy, we encourage children to share ideas as we go along. We'll do everything we can to help your child reach their full potential, paying attention to any particular strengths they display.
Children learn so much from being outdoors, as well as advancing physically, emotionally and socially. They develop crucial motor skills and learn to connect with the world in new ways, discovering nature and taking part in exciting activities which nourish their wellbeing. Our outside area has the benefit of high-quality resources which enhance their experience.
Children make the most of their time at nursery when it’s supplemented by periods of rest. We set up special areas to allow this to happen at key intervals, ensuring that children are comfortable and sheltered from any outside noise or interruption. They’ll then wake up revived and ready for the next adventure. Let us know if your child has a set sleep routine.
Each day comes to a perfect end when you’re reunited with your little one. We’ll make sure you find out everything about their activities, new learnings and any connections they’ve made. If you have any questions about their development, just ask – your child’s assigned key worker will be there to provide a full update. And then it’s good bye until the next exciting session.
Play can be just as rewarding as core lessons. We provide resources to help your child learn from fun activities.
When your child is amazed, their education is inspired for years to come. We spark awe and wonder in education.
When children come together and share experiences, they learn to communicate, listen, show respect and grow compassion.