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We try to ensure that every child reaches their potential.

All reasonably practicable actions will be taken to ensure the maintenance of a safe and healthy working environment, the health and safety of all persons, and to prevent damage to nursery property, by promoting awareness of legal, personal and economic responsibilities.

Daily risk assessments enable us to action any issues as required. We also run in-depth yearly risk assessments to review our environment and ensure its continued suitability.

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Management has a responsibility to

  • provide and maintain safe and healthy working conditions taking account of any statutory requirements;
  • provide training and instruction to enable employees to perform their work safely and efficiently;
  • make available all necessary safety devices and protective equipment and to supervise their use;
  • maintain a constant and continuing interest in health and safety matters applicable to the Nursery’s activities, in particular, by consulting and involving employees or their representatives wherever possible.
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All employees have a duty to:

  • Work safely and efficiently;
  • Use protective equipment provided and by meeting statutory obligations;
  • report incidents that have led or may lead to injury to people or damage to property, plant or equipment;
  • adhere to the Nursery Procedures for securing a safe workplace;
  • assist in the investigation of accidents in order to introduce new measures to prevent a recurrence.

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