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An inspirational environment starts with the perfect schedule.

Every day at Heathside is perfectly planned to give children a day to remember, helping them to thrive as much as possible. We put together a schedule of activities involving everything they need to maximise the potential of these early years. Our experienced nursery workers are our proudest asset, with the skills and training to protect your child and help them reach their full potential.

Children’s development is closely monitored over time, allowing us to adapt their care and education as needed to help them flourish. We encourage them to explore particular talents and individual interests. Ultimately, we aim to ensure that your child is as happy as they can be at nursery, making new connections and feeling confident enough to express themselves. Once you see the smile on their face at home time, we hope you’re happy too.

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Drop off

When you bring your little one to us, we’ll do everything we can to facilitate a smooth drop-off process. We want you to proceed with your day confident that your child is content and becoming comfortable with the world around them. That’s why we ensure that their assigned key worker is available to oversee their arrival, talking through any points you may wish to raise.

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Play time

At Heathside, we recognise the potential of play time, with potential rewards which extend far beyond fun and recreation. We design activities and free play to meet each age group’s needs, in an environment built for letting imaginations run free and little personalities to blossom. Our play time involves everything from sports to painting, role play to reading.

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Your child will be able to eat nourishing meals cooked from scratch, with a sample menu of dishes including quesadillas with celery sticks and shepherd’s pie with carrots. At breakfast time, they can enjoy cereals and toast. We also provide fruit snacks and milk.

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Our learning sessions adhere to the Early Years Framework, with the pre-school curriculum covering such areas of learning as personal, social and emotional development, literacy, mathematics, expressive arts and design, communication and language. We ensure that each child learns at a pace they’re comfortable with, paying attention to any areas of need or special skills.

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Outdoor learning

All children should be able to spend meaningful time outdoors, to help their social development, mental wellbeing, physical health and motor skills. We have an outdoor play area which allows children to explore their sense of adventure and feel free to marvel at the world around them, under our full supervision. Our outdoor equipment helps to enhance this experience.

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Sleep & rest

Children can properly function when they get the downtime they need at crucial intervals. So, we schedule in breaks for sleep and rest to help them stay happy, healthy and focused. We set up a comfortable environment free of stimulation, so that valuable peace and quiet can be enjoyed. If your child usually naps at a particular time, just let us know and we can work to this.

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Pick up

When you arrive to pick up your child, you’ll be able to get a full overview of what they’ve been doing. We will tell you about their activities, new learnings, interactions and any other key points. This handover is also your opportunity to ask questions and bring up anything else you’d like to discuss. Hopefully you’ll see how happy your child is when they return home excited.

Our teaching methods

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Purposeful play

There is so much value in play which can carry over into a child’s education. Play time is their chance to nurture crucial skills.

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Inspired learning

Learning can create amazement and wonder in children which will inspire their future education. We help that magic to happen.

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Group sessions

When children interact with each other, they learn how to connect emotionally, listen and share experiences.

Got Questions?

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